Should you wish to consult us, either as a company or a private person, in order to be prepared for your first meeting with the attorneys at law of the Aubert-Hug law firm, we advise you to: :
- Write down, even briefly, the matter at hand ;
- Establish a timeline (which can be summarised) of the events at stake ;
- Inform us of any potential deadline that you may be aware of ;
- Bring along documents that you deem relevant (e.g. contracts, decisions, certificates, letters, emails, etc.) ;
- Think ahead about what you will be expecting from our attorneys at law ;
Should you come from abroad and not be able to attend the meeting in person, the Aubert-Hug law firm can also arrange for telephone or video conferences to take place with its clients.
During the first meeting, the Aubert-Hug law firm will inform you about its legal fees and will, in principle, request from you the payment of a provision (= deposit on the legal fees).